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Mooncloth Robe Transmog

My Mooncloth Robe Transmog is probably the one I am most proud of and definately my favorite. It started with the mooncloth robe, and went from there. The links are to Wowhead. This look you can get without much difficulty (all raids/instances can be solo'd by level 90, and possibly earlier), it can be rather time consuming however.


To get the look as I have it, you will need;

As far as I am aware you wont need anything else on a draenei. I have no boots, as the ones I am wearing do not show. The Hands cover most wrists I have equipped - and thus have no need to transmog those either.



I got the helm after a few tries at Kel'Thuzad, who drops Crown of the Lost Conqueror, from Frostwyrm Lair of Naxxramas. He is the last boss, and I beleive you are now able to just click his portal, which is above where you zone in. You then need to hand it in to Paldesse in Dalaran. As far as I know, this is the only model and does not come in other colours. Feel free to comment if I am wrong, and I will edit.


The Valorous Shoulder pads of Sanctification I got from Normal 10 man Thorim, in Ulduar. You will find a Spaulders of the Wayward Conqueror Token in Cashe of Storms. Again I had to run it a few times before it dropped. You then need to hand it in to Paldesse in Dalaran.


The Mooncloth Robe is the center of the set. It is a Tailoring Crafted Item. The pattern is available from Shen'dralar Provisioner a vendor in Dire Maul, for 4 gold. The level required is 20, with a skill level of 300. You may need to farm the materials yourself and ask another to make it for you, or you may find it already made on the AH.

Possibly the easiest or hardest due to materials needed;

  • Bolt of Rune Cloth (6); you will need 24 Runecloth to make this.

  • Mooncloth (4); Start with 8 Fel Cloth, then you need to cleanse them. Wowhead comments explain how to do this easily - so best to navigate there via the mooncloth link.

  • Golden Pearl (2); It seems as of 6.0 the Nagas in Red Reach, Blasted lands have a high yield of these.

  • Rune Thread (2); from tailor supplies vendors.

You could also contact me via this site to see if I have time to make it. Told you it was easy but time consuming.


For the gloves, Gloves of the Incarnate, kill The Curator, from Karazhan, to get Gloves of the Fallen Defender token. Head to Shattrath City. While you do that - check your reputations information, you will either be friendly with Aldor or Scryers. If yare freindly with Scryers, you will need to see Arodis Sunblade; if you chose Aldor, you will need to find Asuur to hand the token in. I only had to do this once - I hope you are as lucky.


My Mindfire Waistband took the longest for me to farm (as I had help with Mooncloth Robe), as it just would not drop; but is probably the easiest if you are lucky, and is an instance so you can farm for hours. The last boss, Kelidan he Breaker, in Blood furnace (Hellfire Peninsular) drops it; you can stealth or kill everything.

2H Weapon

Another easy one; the Grand Magisters Staff of Torrents is a direct drop from Felmyst, located in the Sunwell Plateu, in the Isle of Queldanas.

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